Kennedy, who is sent on a mission to rescue the U.S.

And can anyone tell me what's surprising, haunting, scary or unpredictable about a game where at any time you only have to press the Triangle button to access a fully fleshed-out map which details your current destination, the next save point, which doors are locked and unlocked, which keys you have, and more? And what of the so-called story? If you run into any non-enemy characters, you'll see 3 minutes of nothing notable, occasionally interrupted by very poor "one-liners" from our "hero" Leon Kennedy. The game dips further into ridiculousness with the "Tap X to run away from a rolling boulder" segments which reek like something out of a PSX game that was produced for 10 cents and sold about 28 copies worldwide. As someone on this site already said, you're not supposed to base a game's challenge on poor controls. The only challenge in defeating the endless and tedious hordes of opponents is trying to actually competently fire a gun using the game's horrendous controls. As an "action" game it is hopelessly dull, as a survival horror game, it is, amazingly, not scary at all.