In version 1.3, Mojang added adventure mode for custom maps and in 1.4, Mojang added command blocks, which were created specially for custom maps.The Xbox 360 Edition supports downloadable content, which is available to purchase via the Xbox Games Store these content packs usually contain additional character skins. Players can create their own maps, which often contain rules, challenges, puzzles and quests, and share them for others to play.

These play the same role as texture packs, but allow custom sounds as well. In version 1.6, texture packs were replaced with "resource packs". As of 2015, Mojang has yet to reveal more about their modding API and some believe the project has been abandoned.Texture packs that customize the game's graphics are also available. To make mods easier to create and install, Mojang announced in November 2012 that it plans to add an official modding API. The modding community is responsible for a substantial supply of mods from ones that enhance gameplay, such as minimaps, waypoints, and durability counters, to ones that add to the game elements from Pokémon, Portal, and The Hunger Games.

Modifications of the Minecraft code, called mods, add a variety of gameplay changes, ranging from new blocks, new items, new mobs to entire arrays of mechanisms to craft. A wide variety of user-generated content for Minecraft, such as modifications, texture packs and custom maps, is available for download from the Internet.

mods like to much items and lucky blocks are very helpful and very useful. Mods are really fun and cool because there is some cool stuff in mods to can play around with. I think mojang should put mods on minecraft because minecraft right now is very boring and not fun anymore.